Thursday 5 July 2012


Been thinking about installing Redmine as part of the Learning Python project management discussion.  Problem is redmine runs on Ruby on Rails, and I'm not sure that's going to go down too well.  Fact is I installed apache, mysql and the  phpMyAdmin helper module without much of an issue, but when I got to redmine things started to go awry.  As it is, I've been installing Ruby for the past two hours ... stuck at compiling ... as it describes here and judging by the speed of things, its not going to be much use even if it gets to the end.  Maybe I'll say a few things about Gtihub, and skirt over project management.
RPi running mysqld and phpmyadmin, viewed from another machine


  1. Nginx and sqlite might be a better bet - less overhead.

    1. Possibly - don't know much of the pros / cons of nginx vs. apache, sqlite vs. mysql, though one issue is that sqlite only allows single process changes, and locks databases. But this is unlikely to be an issue in a single user development system. I found the above surprisingly usable.

      Truth is, I got side tracked with installing Raspmc early August, and haven't revisited this set up since.
